Our breeding Bengals are carefully selected to continuously incorporate the breed standard and all the attributes to move our programme forward.
The health and longivity of our breed programme is very important to us. Our cats are tested for PRA-B (inherited eye disease) PKDEF (pyruvate kinase deficiency affecting blood cells), PKD (polycystic kidney disease) and are all normal (not affected) before breeding so we know that no kittens can have the hereditary diseases passed onto them. Aswell as DNA testing we routinely screen for HCM, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most commonly diagnosed cardiac disease in cats. Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a condition that causes the muscular walls of a cat’s heart to thicken, decreasing the heart’s efficiency and sometimes creating symptoms in other parts of the body.
Introducing RW TGC Dokocats Tantomile of Baybengalz (Tanto).We imported Tanto from Dokocats in Poland after months of extensive searching we fell in love with his strong wild look whilst he retains fantastic contrast. Having smaller but open rosetting will mean that we can continue his amazing wild look and still produce beautiful miniature leopards. Tanto is a a RW TGC under TICA anf for the 2023-2024 show season Tanto is Best Bengal Kitten, 8th best Allbreed Kitten, Best Adult Brown Bengal in EUROPE WEST Region.
Tanto has excellent temperament and passes on a very calm and freindly nature to his offspring.
Colour: C/cs (Brown Lynx carrier)
Agouti: A/A & 1 Glitter Copy
Health Testing: Genetically clear through complete wisdom Panel.
HCM Normal
FIV/FELV Negative
Aristotle formally known as Hektor has joined us all the way from Croatia bred by Denana Vladic from Miodollarbaby.
Aristotle brings the most beautiful wild type pattern, he has a wonderful expression and head type to compliment this with a fantastic pedigree and will be a key part to developing our future brown lines. We very much look forward to working with him.
Colour: C/cs (Brown Lynx Carrier)
Agouti: A/A & 1 Glitter Copy
Health Testing: Genetically clear through complete wisdom panel, Awaiting age appropriate testing results.
FIV/FELV Negative
Introducing Baybengalz Jennyanydots known as Dottie. We absolutely love her wild look, gorgeous pattern and wild expression. Dottie has a wonderful shaped head representive of her EG pedigree. Dottie gives me great excitement for our newly developing brown line.
Dottie has a fun and loving temperament and loves to play and explore. Dottie did not like showing but recieved wonderful feedback and achieved two 3rd best place finals as a kitten out of 48 allbreed kittens which is a fantastic achievement.
Colour: C/cb (Brown, carries Sepia)
Agouti: Suspected Apb/A
Health Testing: awaiting results via wisdom panel (already genetically clear via parentage)
HCM Normal
FIV/FELV Negative
Introducing WildPawzuk Delilah of Baybengalz known only as Delilah or Lilah.
Delilah has joined our programme from our good friends at wildpawzuk, when I saw Delilahs wonderful expression and spotted pattern with part countershading I knew she would be a great candidate for our newly developing brown line. She has a fabulous strong pedigree to compliment her wonderful personality.
Delilah is very cheeky and often chases me with the hoover! She's successfully shown as a kitten granting her plenty of best of breed placings and some finals. We hope to be able to get her back out to a show as an adult at some point.
Colour: C/C (Full colour Brown)
Agouti: A/A
Health Testing: Genetically clear via langfords, awaiting age relevant health testing.
FIV/FELV Negative
Introducing Baybengalz Valentina Kisses, just Valentina or Vivi for short.
We absolutely love this girl, not only is her temperament 100 percent floozy but she is stunning too. She has a super straight profile, excellent head, strong chin and very forward facing ears, She is accompanied by a light charcoal Mask framed around Icy Aqua eyes and she is dripping in glitter. Valentina is a very key cat in our developing Silver Snow line.
Colour: CS/CB & I/I (Silver Mink)
Agouti: Apb/a (charcoal)
Health Testing: Genetically clear via parentage/Langfords.
FIV/FELV Negative
Introducing Baybengalz Pixie Dust, Noodle for short.
Noodle was aptly named this as her nickname because when she was younger she handled like a noodle (all floppy!) according to our daughter!
Noodle greatly excites us she has small ears, large nocturnal eyes and a very beautiful expression with big Aqua eyes just like her mum. She has a wonderfully thick tail and great stature and sizing and we love her strong chin. She will make a wonderful addition to our snow line.
Colour: CS/CB & likely I/i ( Silver Mink)
Agouti: Apb/a or Apb/Apb
Health Testing: Awaiting Wisdom panel results to confirm agouti, (already genetically clear through parentage)
HCM Normal
FIV/FELV Negative
Introducing Baybengalz Winter Snowdrop, Winter embodies everything we ever wanted to achieve from her Sire and Dam. She has a very strong build with lovely wide nocturnal beautiful blue eyes and a strong head and chin. She's a loving and sweet personality and I adore her colouration.
Colour: CS/CS & I/I (Silver Lynx)
Agouti: Apb/a
Health testing: Genetically clear through parentage/ Langfords.
Intoducing Baybengalz Pandora she is our exceptional keeper from Elias & Bombalurina, she has wonderful contrast, lovely flow, a perfect profile,strong chin and really great build and muscle tone. We knew that she would do really well in our programme and to our pure Joy she has Mum Lolos cheeky and mischievous ways as an added bonus! Pandora attended two shows in kitten classes and placed really well in both achieving best of colours and divisions and classed multiple times in the top three. Pandora has a Lively playful personality, straight profile and strong build.
Colour: I/I (Silver)
Agouti: Apb/Apb and additionally long hair (m4 carrier)
Health Testing: Genetically clear through parentage/langfords
FIV/FELV Negative
Padme came to us from another breeder & freind closing down there own programme. Padme was set to carry on a very important line and when I was offered her I felt honoured to be entrusted with such a special task. Padme is descended from ALC Ottoman therefore she is a g4 and still SBT which is the closest we can get to the ALC without needing additional licences. I'm excited to be working with this girl and can only hope that typical obstacles in breeding earlier generations passes us by. She is a phenomanal girl and I adore her crazy antics!
Colour: I/i Silver
Agouti: Apb/A
Health Testing: Genetically clear through Langfords
HCM Normal
FIV/FELV Negative
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